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Student Scholarships

Thank you for considering making a gift in support of our students.

The Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine is preparing the next generation of veterinary, public health, and biomedical research professionals to tackle society’s most pressing health challenges. To remain competitive in recruiting top talent to our programs, we must offer exceptional degree programs that have a high return on investment for students. The rising educational debt-to-salary ratio is considered one of the most serious issues facing veterinary colleges across the U.S. and the veterinary profession as a whole.

Scholarship support will play a crucial role in reducing the burden of educational debt and in providing the college with recruitment packages to attract the best and brightest students. This support will help to address issues of student access across socio-economic, racial, and international boundaries by creating opportunities for underserved populations, including first-generation students. Promoting inclusive access will also create a more diverse learning environment that mirrors the society our students will serve.

Featured Scholarship Funds

Student working in lab

Frank P. Van Dresser Public & Corporate Veterinary Medicine Scholarship

Established by Dr. William Van Dresser, a founding member of the veterinary college, to honor of his father, this scholarship was created to benefit exceptional individuals interested in the practice of public or corporate veterinary medicine. It is awarded each year to a third-year veterinary student in the public corporate track to facilitate their participation in a CPCVM clerkship in their fourth year.

Susan West Marmagas Public Health Scholarship

What started as a crowdfunding project to honor the memory of Susan West Marmagas, who was director of Virginia Tech’s Master of Public Health (MPH) program and an associate professor of practice in the Department of Population Health Sciences, has evolved into an endowment. Marmagas’ brother and sister-in-law, Roger and Deborah West, pledged the difference between what was raised in the campaign and endowment level to create a new permanent scholarship.

Latest Scholarship Stories

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Visit the the Make a Gift page for more information on college priorities, ways to give beyond cash, featured donor highlights, and more! 

To support any of the highlighted support areas, you can follow the direct giving links provided. To support others funds online, you can follow the below instructions.

  1. Go to the secure Virginia Tech On-Line Giving page. This page will open in a new browser window so you may refer back to these instructions by minimizing the giving window.
  2. The "Select an area" dropbox will be prepopulated with "College of Veterinary Medicine.
  3. Use the "Select a fund" dropbox to select the fund you would like to support. If you wish to support a fund not listed, please select "Other" and a "Designation" box will appear where you can enter the fund name.
  1. Download and print our Gift Contribution Form (PDF)
  2. Make your check payable to "Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc."
  3. Send the completed form and your check to:
    College of Veterinary Medicine
    Development Office
    225 Duck Pond Drive
    Blacksburg, VA 24061