Residents, Interns, and Postdocs
Bio ItemAntônio Beck Júnior , bio
Intern, Equine Medicine and Surgery
Bio ItemLucas Boatwright, DVM , bio
Specialty Intern, Cardiology
Bio ItemJulia Borgens Castela, DVM , bio
Resident, Equine Medicine
Bio ItemMegan Bouttle, BVSc , bio
Fellow, Equine Sports Medicine
Bio ItemGabriela Carneiro de Sousa, DVM , bio
Resident, Theriogenology
Bio ItemCarolina Castaño Alvarez, DVM , bio
Specialty Intern, Dermatology
Bio ItemLezith Desiree Chavez, DVM , bio
Resident, Cardiology; Comparative Cardiovascular Laboratory member
Bio ItemAlexandra Cleversley, DVM , bio
Resident, Small Animal Internal Medicine
Bio ItemBlanca Durántez Martín, GV , bio
Intern, Equine Medicine and Surgery
Bio ItemAlessandra Franchini, DVM , bio
Resident, Cardiology; Comparative Cardiovascular Laboratory member
Bio ItemAlice Goff, BVetMed , bio
Intern, Equine Medicine and Surgery
Bio ItemKatie Gottleib, DVM , bio
Resident, Large Animal Surgery
Bio ItemAlexandra B. Grobman, DVM , bio
Resident, Equine Surgery
Bio ItemAlayna Hay, PhD , bio
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Veterinary Oncology Laboratory
Bio ItemCaroline Holdren, DVM , bio
Resident, Large Animal Internal Medicine
Bio ItemLeanne Jankelunas, DVM , bio
Resident, Neurology/Neurosurgery
Bio ItemMeghan Jeffcoat, DVM , bio
Specialty Intern, Surgical Oncology
Bio ItemFabian Jimenez-Roa, DVM , bio
Resident, Equine Field Services
Bio ItemVikram Kahlon, DVM , bio
Resident, Small Animal Internal Medicine
Bio ItemPerry Kezh, PhD , bio
Postdoctoral Researcher, Genetics
Bio ItemAndrianna Krippaehne, DVM , bio
Resident, Radiology
Bio ItemKush Kumar Yadav, DVM, MS, PhD , bio
Postdoctoral Researcher, The Meng Lab of Molecular Virology
Bio ItemEmilee Lacey, VMD , bio
Resident, Large Animal Internal Medicine
Bio ItemBruno Malacarne, DVM, MSc , bio
Resident, Equine Surgery
Bio ItemKelly Mallette, DVM , bio
Resident, Community Practice
Bio ItemMichael Marciano, CF , bio
Farrier Apprentice
Bio ItemMyriam Martin, DVM , bio
Resident, Neurology
Bio ItemMohamed Hajeeh Ali, BVSc , bio
Intern, Equine Medicine and Surgery
Bio ItemSheriden Nicholes, DVM , bio
Specialty Intern, Surgical Oncology
Bio ItemMarlie Nightengale, DVM , bio
Resident, Clinical Pathology
Bio ItemLuisa Nitzschke, DVM , bio
Resident, Equine Medicine
Bio ItemChristina Pacholec, DVM , bio
Resident, Clinical Pathology
Bio ItemBrittany A. Papa, DVM , bio
Intern, Equine Medicine and Surgery
Bio ItemLaura Victoria Quishpe Contreras, DVM, Msc , bio
Resident, Clinical Pathology
Bio ItemClaire Read, DVM , bio
Resident, Equine Sports Medicine
Bio ItemAlexandra Reddy, DVM , bio
Resident, Anatomic Pathology
Bio ItemKayla Richard, DVM , bio
Specialty Intern, Radiation Oncology
Bio ItemNatalia Rivera Viscal, DVM , bio
Resident, Ophthalmology
Bio ItemDaniel Rothschild, DVM , bio
Resident, Ophthalmology
Bio ItemAnnie Showers, DVM , bio
Resident, Cardiology
Bio ItemSierrah Travis, DVM , bio
Resident, Small Animal Internal Medicine
Bio ItemChristina Vezza, DVM , bio
Resident, Neurology
Bio ItemJasmine Hsin Yeh, DVM , bio
Resident, Clinical Pathology
Rotating Interns

Brynn Danilowicz

Elizabeth Evans

Cole Harding

Kristina Lofrumento

Sierra McClain

Ozgun Ulug

Alia Wilson

Maria Zayas