Emeriti Faculty
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Last Name | First Name | Title | Department | Service | Contact | |
Avery |
Roger |
Professor Emeritus, Virology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1999–2017 |
avery @vt.edu |
Barber |
Donald |
Professor Emeritus, Radiology |
Small Animal Clinical Sciences |
1984–2010 |
dbarber @vt.edu |
Blodgett |
Dennis |
Associate Professor Emeritus, Toxicology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1983–2010 |
dblodg @vt.edu |
Bowen |
John |
Professor Emeritus |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences |
1986–2001 |
Boyle |
Stephen |
Professor Emeritus, Microbiology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1983–2010 |
smboyle @vt.edu |
Carrig |
Colin |
Professor Emeritus, Radiology |
Small Animal Clinical Sciences |
1980–2007 |
carrigcb @vt.edu |
Cordes |
Donald |
Professor Emeritus, Pathology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1981–1997 |
dcordes @xtra.co.nz |
Dahlgren |
Linda |
Professor Emerita, Large Animal Surgery |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences |
2004–2023 |
lad11 @vt.edu |
Daniel |
Greg |
Professor Emeritus, Radiology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
2007–2024 |
gdaniel @vt.edu |
Ehrich |
Marion |
Professor Emerita, Pharmacology/Toxicology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1976–2017 |
marion @vt.edu |
Eng |
Ludeman |
Associate Professor Emeritus, Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1981–2016 |
laeng @vt.edu |
Eyre |
Peter |
Professor Emeritus, Pharmacology Dean Emeritus |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1985–2007 |
cvmpxe @vt.edu |
Freeman |
Larry |
Associate Professor Emeritus, Anatomy |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1978–2016 |
lfreeman @vt.edu |
Fregin |
Frederick |
Professor Emeritus, Equine Cardiology |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences Equine Medical Center, Leesburg |
1983–2003 |
Gross |
Walter |
Professor Emeritus |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences |
1949–1991 |
Hodgson |
David |
Professor Emeritus |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences |
2007–2018 |
hodgson @vt.edu |
Hodgson |
Jennifer |
Professor Emerita |
Population Health Sciences |
2007–2023 |
jennieh @vt.edu |
Hugo |
Veit |
Professor Emeritus, Pathology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1977-2004 |
Jortner |
Bernard |
Professor Emeritus, Pathology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1980–2010 |
In memoriam |
Kok |
Victoria |
Professor Emerita, Librarian |
University Libraries |
1973-2017 |
Larsen |
Calvert |
Associate Professor Emeritus |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences |
1979–2002 |
Larson |
Martha |
Professor Emerita, Radiology |
Small Animal Clinical Sciences |
1986-2023 |
moonm @vt.edu |
Lee |
John |
Professor Emeritus, Physiology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1981–2010 |
jclee @vt.edu |
Leib |
Michael |
Professor Emeritus, Internal Medicine |
Small Animal Clinical Sciences |
1984–2017 |
mleib @vt.edu |
Meldrum |
Blair |
Professor Emeritus, Toxicology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1980–2010 |
bmeldrum @vt.edu |
Misra |
Hara |
Professor Emeritus |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1985–2004 |
Monroe |
Edward |
Professor Emeritus, Internal Medicine |
Small Animal Clinical Sciences |
1985–2020 |
monroewe @vt.edu |
Moore |
David |
Associate Professor Emeritus, Veterinary Medicine |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1985–2018 |
moored @vt.edu |
Panciera |
David |
Professor Emeritus, Internal Medicine |
Small Animal Clinical Sciences |
1998–2022 |
panciera @vt.edu |
Pfeiffer |
Carl |
Professor Emeritus, Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology, Cellular Ultrastructure |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1982–2000 |
Pickett |
Phillip |
Professor Emeritus, Ophthalmology |
Small Animal Clinical Sciences |
1988–2017 |
jppicket @vt.edu |
Pierson |
William |
Professor Emeritus, Biosecurity and Infection Control |
Population Health Sciences |
1990–2018 |
pierson @vt.edu |
Pleasant |
R. Scott |
Professor Emeritus, Equine Surgery and Podiatry |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences |
1991–2021 |
rpleasan @vt.edu |
Purswell |
Beverly |
Professor Emerita, Large Animal Medicine, Theriogenology |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences |
1985–2012 |
Pyle |
Robert |
Professor Emeritus, Cardiology |
Small Animal Clinical Sciences |
1981–2007 |
Roberts |
Kent |
Associate Professor Emeritus, Veterinary Medicine |
Small Animal Clinical Sciences |
1980–1995 |
Saunders |
Geoffrey |
Associate Professor Emeritus, Pathology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1982–2017 |
gsaun @vt.edu |
Scarratt |
Kent |
Associate Professor Emeritus, Large Animal Medicine |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences |
1982–2019 |
kscrat @vt.edu |
Schurig |
Gerhardt |
Professor Emeritus, Immunology Dean Emeritus |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1977–2018 |
gschurig @vt.edu |
Smith |
Bonnie |
Associate Professor Emerita, Anatomy, Embryology, Physiology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1991-2023 |
bjsmith @vt.edu |
Sponenberg |
Phillip |
Professor Emeritus, Pathology/Genetics |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1981-2023 |
dpsponen @vt.edu |
Sriranganathan |
Nammalwar |
Professor Emeritus, Bacteriology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1984-2023 |
Toth |
Thomas |
Professor Emeritus, Virology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1983–2005 |
ttoth @vt.edu |
Troy |
Gregory |
Professor Emeritus, Internal Medicine |
Small Animal Clinical Sciences |
1987–2015 |
cvmgct @vt.edu |
Turnwald |
Grant |
Professor Emeritus |
Small Animal Clinical Sciences |
1998–2009 |
White II |
Nathaniel |
Professor Emeritus, Equine Surgery |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences Equine Medical Center, Leesburg |
1985-2013 |
nawhite2 @vt.edu |
Wilcke |
Jeffrey |
Professor Emeritus, Veterinary Informatics |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1986–2021 |
jwilcke @vt.edu |
Zajac |
Anne |
Professor Emerita, Parasitology |
Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology |
1990–2021 |
azajac @vt.edu |