Connect 2021: Continuing Education Program

VMCVM hosted a Continuing Education (CE) program at Connect 2021 in Blacksburg, VA on Sept. 18, 2021. The program offered 6 hours of CE credit in each of the following 3 tracks: Small Animal, Large Animal, and Public Health/Wellness. The program consisted largely of alumni speakers who are board-certified or considered specialists in their field.
CE credit was given to live participants. No CE credit will be given for viewing these videos now. Transcripts available upon request.

Aimee Dalrymple (DVM '95, MS)
University of Florida, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Dr. Dalrymple graduated from the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine in 1995. After an initial career in companion animal private practice, she discovered the exciting field of shelter medicine. Dr. Dalrymple complete her master’s degree through the University of Florida Online Shelter Medicine Program in 2018 and now serves as an Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor in that program.

Bonnie Lefbom (DVM '91, DACVIM-Cardiology)
Cardiologist and Founding Partner, CVCA
Bonnie Lefbom , class of ‘91, is a cardiologist and founding partner of CVCA, Cardiac Care for Pets – helping grow the company from 1 to 14 locations. She is passionate about clear communication with clients and collaboration with primary care veterinarians. She leads a 501c3(For the Kids International, Inc) in support of an orphanage and village school in rural Kenya. She has 3 young adult kids, stayed married, and loves to travel.

Jennifer E. Stokes (DVM '95, DACVIM-SAIM)
University of Tennessee, Clinical Professor of Medicine
I am a 1995 graduate of the VMRCVM, completed a small animal internship at WSU, two years in a small animal practice in Maryland and then an Internal Medicine residency at Michigan State University. I have been a faculty member at the University of Tennessee since then. As a clinical faculty member, I spend most of my time working in the hospital with clinical students, interns and residents as well as participating in preclincial teaching.

Caroline Leeth (DVM '01, PhD)
Virginia Tech, Assistant Professor
Dr. Caroline Leeth is a 2001 graduate of the VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine. She received her PhD in Cellular Biology in 2011 through a joint program with the Jackson Laboratory and the University of Maine. Rejoining Virginia Tech in 2014, she is an assistant professor in the Animal and Poultry Sciences Department and Chair of their equine program. Her research includes studying human autoimmune diseases and the unique equine immune response.

Sierra R. Guynn (PhD, DVM '06)
VMCVM, Clinical Assistant Professor, Production Management Medicine
Sierra earned her DVM in 2006 from here with a focus on food animal medicine, after getting a PhD in comparative renal physiology. After 6 years of private practice, Sierra returned to the VMCVM in the Production Management Medicine section. Currently, Sierra is researching Cryptosporidium in calves and Theileriosis in cattle, with an increasing interest in cattle and public health.
Due to technical difficulties, this lecture is only partially recorded.

Sherrie Clark (BS '92, PhD, DVM '96, PhD, DACT)
VMCVM, Professor/Interim Department Head, Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Dr. Clark graduated from VMRCVM in 1996. Upon graduation, she entered a Theriogenology residency at the University of Illinois. Dr. Clark remained at Illinois to pursue a PhD in Reproductive Physiology in the Animal Sciences department. In 2003, she passed boards for the American College of Theriogenologists and accepted a tenure-track assistant professor position at the University of Illinois. She is currently a professor and interim department head in the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences at VMCVM.

Julie Settlage (DVM '00, MSc Vet Ed, DACVS-LA)
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, Professional Services Veterinarian
Julie McGhee Settlage has been part of VMCVM for most of her career. Graduating in 2000 and then completing her residency at the EMC in 2004. She returned in 2005-6 as a clinical instructor and again from 2009-15 as a Clinical Assistant Professor. She stayed at Va Tech serving the Office of the University Veterinarian until 2020. She joined Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health as a Professional Services Veterinarian where she again gets to enjoy teaching and horses.

M. Daniel Givens (DVM, PhD, DACT, DACVIM-Virology)
VMCVM, Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology
Dr. Daniel Givens, the fifth dean of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, arrived at Virginia Tech in June 2021 from Auburn University, where he was the associate dean for academic affairs and a professor in the Department of Pathobiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine.
The only dean at Virginia Tech to begin his tenure during the height of a pandemic, Dr. Givens has brought a timely, bold vision to strengthen the veterinary college’s One Health approach to solving complex problems.
As outlined in the college’s recently unveiled 2020-2026 Strategic Plan, he will lead the college’s efforts to become international leaders in veterinary medicine, biomedical sciences, and public health and to protect and enhance animal, human, and environmental health and welfare.
After earning a doctor of veterinary medicine from Auburn University, Dr. Givens practiced veterinary medicine for both food animals and companion animals in central Kentucky. He then went on to complete a PhD in biomedical science, performing NIH-funded post-doctoral research.
A diplomate of both the American College of Veterinary Microbiologists (virology specialty) and the American College of Theriogenologists, Dean Givens has conducted applied research in infectious diseases that affect reproduction of cattle. His research has led to more than 85 peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts, five book chapters, two international patents, and numerous national and international presentations.

Aine Hawthorn (MS '03, DVM '06, DACVP)
USGS National Wildlife Health/ University of Wisconsin, Research Fellow
Dr. Hawthorn is a veterinary anatomic pathologist studying Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD). She received her DVM from VMCVM in 2006, continued in an Anatomic Pathology residency, and received a research fellowship through a joint program with USGS National Wildlife Health Center and the University of Wisconsin where she is involved in current joint research projects focused on the etiology and pathogenesis SCTLD.

2021 Outstanding Faculty Alumni Award Recipient
Anne Zajac (DVM, MS, PhD)
VMCVM, Professor Emerita of Parasitology
Dr. Anne Zajac received MS and DVM degrees from Michigan State University and a PhD from Ohio State University. In February, 2021 she retired from the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine and is now a Professor Emeritus of Parasitology. During her 35-year career at Virginia Tech, Dr. Zajac taught parasitology to veterinary, undergraduate and graduate students and supervised the parasitology diagnostic lab of the veterinary teaching hospital. Her principal and continuing research interest has been gastrointestinal parasites of grazing animals, especially small ruminants. Dr. Zajac is a past president of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP) and has received Distinguished Veterinary Parasitologist and Distinguished Service awards from that organization. She is a charter diplomate of the parasitology specialty in the American College of Veterinary Microbiology. She lives on a small farm in Giles County with her husband, Gareth Moore, a former PMM clinician, and they have two children.

2021 Lifetime Achievement Alumni Award Recipient
Timothy M. Fan (BS '91, DVM '95, PhD, DACVIM-Oncology, Internal Medicine)
University of Illinois, Professor
Dr. Fan received his DVM at VMRCVM in 1995, is board certified in Medical Oncology and Small Animal Internal Medicine, and completed a PhD in Tumor Immunology in 2007. Dr. Fan is professor at the University of Illinois, a core member in the Anticancer Discovery from Pets to People theme, and also serves as a Program Leader for the Cancer Center at Illinois that focuses on the inclusion of companion animals as sophisticated model systems to study cancer.

2021 Outstanding Recent Alumni Award Recipient
Cyndie Courtney (DVM '11)
Founder, The Jerk Researcher, LLC
Dr. Cyndie Courtney practices small animal medicine just south of Kansas City. She is also a recovering toxic team member who speaks, publishes, and consults internationally on workplace conflict - especially in the helping professions. She was a 2015-2016 AVMA Future Leader and 2019 World Small Animal Veterinary Medical Association's Next Generation Award winner. She's also certified in Workplace Wellness and Workplace Violence Prevention and Awareness.