Saturday, March 29, 2025
9 a.m. - Check-in, 10:00 a.m. - Race begins

The Duncan 5K is a race in honor of the late Dr. Bob Duncan, a pathology professor here at Virginia Tech who passed away suddenly in May of 2007. Dr. Bob Duncan was an avid runner, dedicated pathologist, and highly regarded teacher. In his memory, Dr. Sue Duncan and VMCVM’s pathology department established a scholarship fund to support a fourth-year student who shows interest in the field of veterinary pathology. Every penny raised from the 5K goes towards the scholarship. 

Sadly, on October 12, 2022 his wife, Dr. Sue Duncan, a well loved professor, and researcher in the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, passed away. Now we honor both Drs. Bob and Sue Duncan. 

This event is hosted by the VMCVM Student Chapter of the American College Of Veterinary Pathologists.
Aerial map of VMCVM check-in location.

The race will be held on the VT Cross Country Course, behind VMCVM, 205 Duck Pond Drive, Blacksburg, VA, 24061. Check-in will be in the VMCVM VMIA.

Aerial of VMCVM race route.

The entire run will be on the VT Cross Country Course. The course will be marked. Water will be available at the finish and at the halfway marker. Raffles, music, lawn games, and food to follow in the VMCVM VMIA.


Registration Fees:

  • Runner over 12: $20
  • Child under 12: $10
  • Student: $15 
  • Canine: $5 (Proof of rabies vaccination is required for any dog to participate)

All payments will be collected on the morning of the race between 9:00– 10:00 a.m. in the VMCVM VMIA. All proceeds go directly to the Bob Duncan Memorial Diagnostic Veterinary Pathology Scholarship Fund. 

Walk-ups on the day of are welcome! (Pre-registration is not required, but it will expedite the check-in process) 

Can't make it to the event? Donations at any time make a difference!