Staff Member of the Month: April 2019

Lindsay Bartowski
Veterinary technician
Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Approaching two years with oncology, Lindsay has been a vital part of the team ever since, constantly presenting new ideas, implementing proposed changes, and making herself available before and after her shifts. "One time," her first nominator said, "she returned after a long day of work to help place a catheter in a long-term patient for humane euthanasia."
Lindsay's second nominator echoed such sentiments, detailing Lindsay's exemplary work when filling in as an ER technician — a temporary change for which she had to make many compromises. "She has been the glue that held everything together, especially with a hectic ER schedule," her second nominator said. "She has been very reliable and focused at all times, which helps our service run more efficiently."
"The compassion she displays toward owners and patients is unlike anything I have ever seen before," her first nominator said, "and the bond she forms with clients continues well beyond the passing of their pet. Lindsay rarely takes a moment for herself, always offering up her time to help students and fellow staff."