Staff Member of the Month: April 2020

Phyllis Baker
Clinical supply supervisor
Equine Medical Center
Nominating Phyllis is very overdue. I thought for sure that she must have won numerous times, but I couldn't find her in the archives. That is an unbelievable oversight. I would like to set it right now.
Phyllis is the perfect co-worker in so many ways. She has a phenomenal work ethic: coming in early, leaving late, focused and productive at her desk. She has a very challenging job, which requires that she interact positively with just about every department every day, and she never disappoints. She is such a lovely, thoughtful presence in an otherwise sometimes-chaotic workplace.
We recently switched from one software we were all familiar with to a new one, and the transition has been understandably stressful. Despite this, Phyllis shows up every day with kind words and encouragement for each of us. My days are made brighter for her presence, and I am sure there are dozens of others who would say the same.
Workplace metrics often focus on things like "productivity," "efficiency," and the like. She certainly displays all those things and more. But we should never forget that we all spend a good portion of our weeks together at work, and having someone with such an unfailingly supportive and giving personality amongst us is a daily blessing. The bridges she builds with her daily leadership make this a much more satisfying place to work.