Staff Member of the Month: July 2020

Carli Dotson
First teaching time specialist (first and second year)
Academic Affairs
This has been a very stressful time for everyone at the college. All of our staff have gone above and beyond their daily responsibilities to ensure that the students and the college still receive service in a timely manner. I wish I could nominate all of our staff members!
Prior to COVID-19, Carli demonstrated the work ethic and professionalism worthy of this award. She had scheduled all of the first two-year DVM courses by the proposed March deadline, which included coordinating some 60 faculty members and scheduling more than 200 hours of teaching time for just the fall semester. However, the pandemic hit and changed everything.
Carli has demonstrated the adaptability and resiliency necessary to work in a fast-paced environment. Her world got turned upside down with supporting an emergency remote-teaching platform at the end of spring semester. In addition, she was informed last week that the fall schedule on which she had worked so hard would have to change to accommodate the new semester start date of Aug. 10. Carli took the news with a smile and dug in; she is working hard to make this happen for faculty and students alike.
Carli is doing all of the rescheduling while still performing all of her day-to-day responsibilities, which includes registering all of the first- and second-year students for courses and supporting the incoming students as they transition into our program.
Carli is a star, and we are lucky to have her in our office and within our community. She is collaborative with everyone she works with, and I have never heard her complain once.