Staff Member of the Month: June 2023

Bettina Heid
Laboratory Specialist
Research and Graduate Studies
First nomination: Bettina Heid is a highly dedicated Research staff member. Her impeccable organizational skills and laboratory skills are beyond reproach and laudable. She can be relied on to ensure institutional and federal compliance requirements and train new investigators/students and staff at IDRF. She does thorough preparatory work before she orders any equipment or supplies (compares not only for the price by also for quality/performance. Her work can be fully trusted, which is extremely important for researchers. Her rodent breeding program is thorough and without mistakes.
Second nomination: Bettina is a very dedicated worker in the laboratory and always goes above and beyond expectations. She is always willing to assist students and provide technical and research support. I do not know how my laboratory would function without Bettina!
Third nomination: Bettina has been an outstanding research staff member with very strong technical skills for biomedical research. She has been invaluable in supporting the ordering, organization, research, and student training in the IDRF building. She has helped with new laboratories' set-up and organized and maintained the freezers, instruments, and supplies that different labs share in the IDRF building. She has implemented SOPs and guidelines for efficient working in a collaborative environment. Bettina deserves the VMCVM Staff Member of the Month.
Forth nomination: Bettina Heid has always been an absolute pleasure to work with due to her collegial attitude and her exceptional communication, whether it was for an ongoing health issue in the rodent colony or discussions about project needs. She has worked with a large number of undergraduate and graduate students, multiple PIs, and has been an integral part of RGS. Bettina could always be counted on to have her colony tasks in order, with animal health and welfare being a top priority. Bettina is truly deserving of this recognition!