Staff Member of the Month: July 2023

Amanda Atkins
Administrative Assistant
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology
Ms. Atkins provides exemplary administrative support to DBSP. She always has time for one more faculty request, and all whom she works with appreciate her attention to detail and accuracy. Amanda almost single-handedly organized the recent 75th Annual Brucellosis Research Conference that was hosted by the College. She planned for all aspects of the conference, including meals, coffee breaks, poster boards, and much more. Without her efficiency and dedication to organizing the event, hosting the conference would have been impossible. Even in situations where times and locations needed to be altered at the last minute, Amanda effortlessly oversaw and implemented the necessary changes, and she did so with a smile and words of encouragement for others involved in the conference. I honestly cannot think of someone more deserving of the Dean's Employee of the Month Award than Amanda Atkins. Amanda, thank you for all you do!