Staff Member of the Month: April 2024

Sharon R. Carbaugh, CPS
Financial Specialist
Fiscal Affairs
Sharon Carbaugh has been at Vet Med for over 20 years, and she’s an integral part to the financial team in the college. She has amazing institutional knowledge and shares that with new employees and faculty. Over the years, she has helped support many areas that have been short staffed, including being an integral part of helping ACCRC getting up and running, as well as solving many different problems as they learned the processes. She also assists in the scholarship process, ETF funding, reconciliations, assisting new faculty with their startup funds, and doing this all remotely. Whenever she is asked to do something, she always obliges with a smile on her face. She also has a wealth of college and university knowledge. I think that she is very deserving of this award and should be recognized for her hard work and years of dedication to the success of the college.