
Left item in pair: Improper logo proportion and spacing
Right item in pair: Proper logo proportion and spacing

Before and after branded tumblers


Left item in pair: Improper seal proportion and spacing
Right item in pair: Proper seal proportion

VMCVM apparel

Improper use of color

The official colors of the college logo are maroon, gray, and white. Do not use custom colors in the college logo.

  • Maroon should use RGB #7A232E, CMYK # 33, 93, 74, 38, or Pantone 188.
  • The two gray triangles should use RGB #959595 or 50% black.
  • For more information, visit VA-MD Vet Med Color and Fonts.

Improper internal spacing

The exact spacing and positioning of the triangles, Rod of Asclepius, and text in the college logo are part of our brand. Do not reposition components within the logo or create your own logo layout.

Improper proportions

Do not scale or skew the logo in any way that changes its vertical and horizontal proportions. The square portion must remain square.

Improper use of the logo

Left item in pair: Improper logo, color, and fonts
Right item in pair: Proper logo, color, and proportion

College hats Improper Use

Improper use of fonts

The fonts used in the college logo are Tanek for the bold text ("Virginia-Maryland" and "Veterinary Medicine") and Helvetica for the lighter text ("College of"). Do not substitute different fonts within the logo.

Incorrect proportions

Do not scale or skew the logo in any way that changes its vertical and horizontal proportions.