Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
Results for: Equine Services
Equine Services
General ItemResident Megan Lowman, DVM to present a retrospective study on next generation sequencing (NGS) in equine sinusitis
On Saturday, October 15, Equine Medical Center surgery resident, Megan Lowman, DVM will present a retrospective study on next generation sequencing (NGS) in equine sinusitis at the American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS) Surgery Summit in Portland, Oregon.
General ItemEquine Medical Center dedicates renovated Youngkin Equine Soundness Clinic
Introducing the newly renovated Youngkin Equine Soundness Clinic, a comprehensive facility providing a unique health care model localized around our equine athlete patients, generously made possible by Suzanne and Glenn Youngkin.
Article ItemEquine Emergency – what to expect when the unexpected happens , article
Everyone who has a horse or is involved in the care of horses knows that at some point their animal is likely to sustain injury or contract a nasty virus or disease. Learn what to expect when the unexpected happens to your horse.
Article ItemVirginia Tech’s new equine performance center in Northern Virginia offers ‘next-level’ care for horses , article
Virginia first lady Suzanne Youngkin joined Executive Vice President and Provost Cyril Clarke and other Virginia Tech officials at the ribbon-cutting for the Jane and Stephen Hale Equine Performance Evaluation Center and the official naming of the Paul J. Goodness Podiatry Clinic at the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center in Leesburg, Virginia.
Article ItemThe Equine Medical Center sports medicine complex will be complete in late fall with the addition of a new indoor arena , article
Demonstrating the power of philanthropy – coupled with a lot of persistence – the newest addition to the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center (EMC) hospital complex is finally underway.
Article ItemNational Farrier Week: Recognizing and honoring the skill and dedication of our hard-working farriers , article
As we celebrate and honor the skill of our farriers during National Farrier Week, we can’t help but think of the age-old adage ‘no hoof, no horse.’ Horse owners realize that our farrier is an important factor in our horse’s overall care and wellness.
General ItemNew neurologic stall enhances quality of care for equine patients
Made in memory of a beloved family horse, Just Java, who succumbed in 2015 to laminitis, a generous gift from Karen Jones Squires and James Squires supported a much-needed renovation and expansion of a neurologic stall at the Equine Medical Center (EMC).
General ItemSophie Boorman, BVetMed, MS, joins the faculty team as a clinical assistant professor of equine surgery
Sophie Boorman, BVetMed, MS, joined the Equine Medical Center faculty team on October 10, as a clinical assistant professor of equine surgery.
General ItemSarah Dukti, joins the faculty team as a clinical assistant professor of emergency and critical care
Sarah Dukti, DVM, DACVS-LA, DACVECC joined the Equine Medical Center on March 14, 2023 as a clinical assistant professor of Emergency and Critical Care.
Article ItemSpanish resident Julia Borgens Castela shares her journey to become a specialist in equine internal medicine , article
Residents come to the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center (EMC) from all over the world to continue and expand their training and expertise. One of the EMC’s current residents, Julia Borgens Castela, hails from Spain and was educated at the University of Extremadura, Caceres, Spain.
Article ItemVeterinary students learn through experience at busy, evolving Equine Medical Center , article
The EMC has a robust outpatient and emergency caseload with specialist faculty and staff, providing an excellent environment for students to learn about equine veterinary medicine and surgery.
Article ItemUpgrades to surgical suites at the Equine Medical Center support both emergency and elective surgical procedures , article
Generous philanthropic support from Teressa Beier – a physician whose career centered around human emergency medicine – has enabled the EMC to make key upgrades to its surgical suites.
Article ItemCircumstances and good connections brought Rosie Barwick across the pond for a position at the Equine Medical Center , article
This is National Veterinary Technician Week. During this week, recognized annually, the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center (EMC) faculty and staff will focus on our dedicated technicians who play a vital role in ensuring the health and well-being of the horses under our care.
Article ItemEquine Medical Center spreads the word on helmet safety , article
Stefan Duma, the Harry C. Wyatt Professor of Engineering, director of the Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Sciences and co-founder of the Virginia Tech Helmet Lab, emphasized the importance of protecting the human head as he talked about research findings on horse riders’ helmets at a recent dinner event at the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center (EMC) in Leesburg, Virginia.
Article ItemEquine Veterinary Crisis - sustaining emergency and critical care services in an ever-changing landscape , article
There is a crisis silently brewing in the equine veterinary world. The combination of older veterinarians leaving the field, current equine veterinarians leaving for better pay and work/life balance, and fewer numbers of veterinary students choosing equine as their elective field of specialty have seriously affected the availability of primary and emergency care for horses throughout the United States and beyond. And, if nothing is done now this could be greatly problematic for horse owners who need to seek medical care for their horses in the coming years.
Article ItemFaculty Spotlight: Becky Funk , article
Becky Funk, a faculty member at the veterinary college since 2011, is dedicated to teaching the next generation of veterinarians with a focus on happiness and lifelong learning.
Article ItemNew table for CT scanner a ‘game-changer’ for examination of large animals at Veterinary Teaching Hospital , article
Until recently, clinicians at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) in the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine couldn’t use CT, or computed tomography, for large animals. But the recent purchase of an $85,000 table for large animals that can be wheeled to the CT scanner now allows for that option, particularly useful for studying conditions inside the heads of equine animals.
Article ItemHoof health is horse health: Newly certified farrier enhances veterinary hospital services , article
Gabrielle Evans, the farrier apprentice at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital in the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, has undergone rigorous training, honing her skills in anatomy, physiology, pathology, gaits, horseshoes and more to become an American Farrier’s Association Certified Farrier.
General ItemM. Norris Adams rejoins the faculty team as a clinical associate professor of equine surgery
M. Norris (Norrie) Adams, DVM, Diplomate ACVS, Diplomate ACVSMR, CERP, rejoined the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center on Monday, October 3, as a clinical associate professor of equine surgery.
Article ItemScholarship helps student pursue equine veterinary medicine , article
Sarah Landeck, a Class of 2027 student at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, is the first recipient of the Maria and David Williams Equine Veterinary Scholarship.
Article ItemSustaining emergency and critical care services while an equine veterinary crisis rages on , article
It has been widely known in the equine community in recent years that students in veterinary colleges throughout the country are choosing to steer away from equine veterinary medicine. In 2021, the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) highlighted this plight by sharing that only a small percentage of veterinary graduates were entering the equine profession. Even more disturbing is the news that 50 percent of these graduates will leave the equine profession within five years. This phenomenon has caused some serious “outside-the-box” thinking, not only by the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine but also by other veterinary colleges and private equine practices throughout the country that wish to sustain emergency and elective services that they currently offer to their clients.
General ItemVideo and Photos: Youngkin Equine Soundness Clinic Dedication Event
Guests of all ages had a wonderful time at the Youngkin Equine Soundness Clinic dedication event, enjoying tours of the facility, donkey rides, and a special visit from the HokieBird.
Article ItemKeeping an equine athlete at the top of his game , article
The 20-year-old Lusitano owned by horse trainer Katherine Abrams receives veterinary care through Equine Field Service, part of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Thanks to the diligence of his owner, riders, farrier, and veterinary care team, the aging athlete is able to compete at advanced levels.