Student Spotlight: Andrea Connor
January 3, 2024

Andrea Connor
DVM/MPH Class of 2026, Public Corporate
Hometown: Midlothian, Virginia
My undergraduate was in…
Animal and Poultry Sciences from Virginia Tech (Go Hokies!)
Best part of being a VMCVM student…
The numerous opportunities offered through both the DVM and MPH programs. Without these programs, I would not have been able to meet so many incredible people and mentors, including my fellow classmates!
The moment I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian/public health professional was…
There have been so many moments but two instances that had the most impact were when I stumbled across a YouTube channel called Vet Ranch back in middle school and the COVID-19 pandemic. Vet Ranch takes in animals from shelters and off the street, and works with the Abandoned Pet Project and donations in order to be able to provide these animals the best care they can. I was so genuinely inspired by them and knew that I wanted to make a difference like they are one day. During the pandemic, I learned about opportunities for veterinary professionals to be involved in public health and One Health, including our very own DVM/MPH program. I hope to be involved in conversations during my future career where we can continue to bridge the gaps between human, animal, and environmental health in order to promote excellent healthcare, both locally and worldwide.
My hidden talent...
I've played the piano since I was 5 and can play both parts of the duet part of Heart and Soul by myself (a throwback, I know)
A person who has inspired me...
My parents. They met when they were both working for Wrigley's Chewing Gum and they have worked extremely hard to provide for our family and ensure that I have had the best life possible. My mom even grew her own business in Chinese interpretation and translation from just a few employers to now across the state. I am so grateful for everything they've taught me and for everything they've given me.
Biggest misconception about being a veterinarian/public health student…
That you have to study for hours upon hours every single day. This is not to say that we don't study hard (just look at the whiteboards in the study rooms on exam week); there is just more to being a student than study study study. You have to be able to make time for yourself, even if it is study break where you take a walk outside or playing with your pets. Maintaining a good work-life balance is vital to success, no matter what type of schooling you are in.
If I had a superpower it would be...
Time travel! There are so many things from the past I wish I could have seen, including times I wish I could relive from my own life. I mean, just imagine being able to see the Eiffel Tower being built or Freddie Mercury performing live!
My no-fail, go-for-it motivational song...
Don't Stop Believin' by Journey
The course project/study you're most excited about…
I am really excited to dive into infectious diseases once I hit third year and get to take more classes that count towards my MPH! I am also excited to explore the mixed animal side of my interests and maybe take a couple of food animal and equine classes.
What excites me the most about the future of my industry...
The different routes that you can take once you have your license and degree. Private practice is very important and vital to ensuring animal health, but there are tons of opportunities opening up in more non-traditional roles. There was even a veterinarian I spoke to who had a job at the PeaceCorps where they didn't know she was a veterinarian right away and hired her based on her skills and experiences!
Favorite way to end the day...
Taking a walk to watch the sunset on a nice clear day.
Top of my bucket list...
Traveling! I've been lucky to see so many places already and I can't wait to explore more of the world one day. Italy, Greece, national parks, the Seven Wonders of the World, and beyond.
How many pets do you have? Types?
I have two tabby cats! They are both domestic short hairs and came from the same litter! Their names are Bean and Chili (boy and girl), and more often than not, everyone just calls them ChiliBean.