Faculty Spotlight: Jacquelyn Pelzer DVM '97
January 12, 2024

Jacquelyn Pelzer, MS, DVM '97, PGCVE
Assistant Dean of Student Support and Admissions, DVM Program
When did you join the college?
November 2009
The best part of being faculty is …
The metamorphosis of veterinary students is amazing to watch and couldn't happen without all of the wonderful faculty who teach within the program. It is a privilege to be a part of the journey of a veterinarian from matriculation to graduation, and I am always emotional as I watch them 'fly the nest' at graduation.
The best advice I've gotten …
Figure out early on who you are and what your principles are and stick to them. Define success by what you have control over; doing excellent work and treating others with kindness. .
How would you capture the essence of your work in a newspaper headline?
Local veterinary school administrator manages to wear many hats and still make it look fashionable.
My hidden talent...
Surfing. I surfed professionally before attending veterinary school. I love being outside and being challenged by the force of nature.
A person who has inspired me...
My mother, Rosemarie. She is a strong woman who raised three girls on her own. She worked several jobs to make sure we always had food on the table. Rosemarie put herself through college by taking evening classes and never complained about being overwhelmed, not once. My mom always told us we could do anything we imagined, but would have to work hard to achieve that dream.
Words of encouragement to a current veterinary college student...
It is OK to feel overwhelmed and the weight of the world on your shoulders. As you continue this journey, you will learn how to distribute that weight so carrying it feels more manageable. Keep reflecting on the time you spend here in the college. What brings you joy? What surprised you? What made you feel uneasy? What left you awe-inspired? Staying in touch with your experience will help you absorb all that comes your way. It is important to reach out for help when the going gets tough, but always remember you belong here and have a lot of people supporting you on this journey!
One misconception that all students seem to have is...
All faculty were straight-A students........., but please don't tell them we weren't.
If I had a superpower, it would be...
Time travel. I would love to learn more about history and culture to have a better understanding of who we are today.
This excites me the most about the future of my industry...
I am really excited about two things: the focus on transition into practice the first year out of veterinary school and the future of veterinary education.
A cause I'm most passionate about...
I am passionate about living more sustainably, which fosters eco-friendly living. Balancing the protection of nature with how we utilize the land is important to us. We have implemented small sustainable projects on our property, but support local food producers who farm sustainably and larger groups like the Sierra Club.
Favorite way to end the day...
After working at the college and feeding all of our critters, I love to snuggle up on the couch by the fire with my dogs and cats and watch a BBC crime show. Of course, Kevin is there as well.....
Top of my bucket list...
Small ship, 14-day Scandinavia cruise. Helsinki to Longyearbyen to see the fjords, glaciers and wildlife.
My favorite quote…
The message is not so much that the worms will inherit the Earth, but that all things play a role in nature, even the lowly worm. - Gary Larson
How many pets/animals live at home?
Oh gosh. Three cats, Special, Sierra and Poppy. Sierra is a tortie and is named after Dr. Sierra Guynn, need I say more? Poppy is named after Popeye, as she only has one eye. Two dogs, Romeo a standard poodle and Margo, a border collie, blue-heeler cross. Gus and Goldfish are our equine lawn ornaments and then we have 12 ewes and 16 lambs at the moment. Yes, the sheep all have names and are spoiled rotten. We actually keep our bottle babies in the house until it is warm enough to go outdoors. The wear onesies and diapers while in the house to keep the mess down.