Dedicated Partnership

“We support the VMCVM because healing pets helps to heal people – the world gets two great outcomes for the price of one,” said Michael Stanton, dean’s advisory council member and philanthropic partner. “What could be better than healing living beings, and where could you find a better value?”
Michael and Jennifer Stanton made their first gift to the college before ever stepping foot on campus, funding the first four year full-tuition scholarship at the college. Their connection to the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine started when their veterinarian, Adam Henderson (DVM ‘11), directed them to the college when they wanted to give back in memory of their dogs Mariah and Gordon.
In addition to their scholarship, the Stantons have shown their incredible dedication to the success of the college with a generous commitment to be a founding partner of the expansion and renovation of the Small Animal Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
Scholarship recipient Diana Lemus, a first-year veterinary student, met Jennifer Stanton.She said the scholarship lifted a huge financial burden off her shoulders as she pursues her studies.
“I told her that words cannot do justice to express how grateful I am for their generosity,” Lemus said. “It is a grand act of selflessness to give money not knowing who it will go to and I hope that generosity showers their life with happiness and abundance.
“This scholarship allows me the privilege of enjoying veterinary school and being a veterinary student. After many months of stress, I am at a place of peace — where I have the privilege of just focusing on school and this scholarship motivates me to do my very best.”