Kathy W. Hosig, RD, MPH, PhD
- Director, Center for Public Health Practice and Research

VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine
Virginia Tech
205 Duck Pond Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Dr. Hosig serves as Director for the Virginia Tech Center for Public Health Practice and Research (CPHPR) and core faculty member in the Master of Public Health program in the Department of Population Health Sciences at Virginia Tech (public health education concentration). The Center for Public Health Practice and Research is housed in the Department of Population Health Sciences in the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, and supported by the Institute for Society, Culture and Environment. The mission of CPHPR is to foster interdisciplinary, collaborative public health practice and research activities at Virginia Tech and among external public health agencies, organizations, practitioners and researchers. Dr. Hosig has experience with developing collaborative partnerships at the local and state levels for federally-funded community-based projects.
MPH, Public Health Leadership, 2001
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC
PhD, Foods and Nutrition, 1992
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
BS, Human Nutrition and Foods/Dietetics, 1985
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
- Registered Dietitian, American Dietetic Association, 1985-present
- Community-based Participatory Research: Church, Cooperative Extension and Academic Partnerships
- Community-based Type 2 diabetes education program to improve blood glucose control in underserved populations (African American, Hispanic, and Malaysian populations)
- Association between university health environment and nutrition/physical activity habits of college students
- Diet and physical activity habits of college students; pilot testing of internet-based interventions for health habits targeted to college students
Associate Professor
Director, Center for Public Health Practice and Research
Population Health Sciences
Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
Extension Specialist and State Program Leader for Health
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
Associate Professor and Discipline Chair
Preventive Medicine and Public Health
Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Blacksburg, VA
Associate Professor
Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
Associate Professor and Program Director for Nutrition and Dietetics
Program Director, Didactic Program in Dietetics
Department of Health Sciences
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, NC
Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator for Nutrition and Dietetics
Department of Health Sciences
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, NC
Assistant Professor
Department of Dietetics and Nutrition
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Little Rock, AR
Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant
Department of Foods and Nutrition
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
Clinical Dietitian
Home Hospital
Lafayette, IN
- Society for Nutrition Education
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- American Public Health Association
- Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Sigma, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Eta
Peer-reviewed journal articles*
- Mabry EJ, Hosig K, Hanowski R, Zedalis D, Gregg J, Herbert WG. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in commercial truck drivers: A review. Journal of Transport & Health. 2016; in press.
- Farris AR, Mysyak S, Duffey KJ, Atzaba-Poria N, Hosig K, Davis G, McFerren M, Serrano E. Elementary Parent Perceptions of Packing Lunches and the National School Lunch Program. The Journal of Child Nutrition & Management. 2016; 40 (1). Available here.
- Lupafya PC, Matanje Mwagomba BL, Hosig K**, Maseko LM, Chimbali H. Implementation of policies and strategies for control of noncommunicable diseases in Malawi: challenges and opportunities. Health Education & Behavior. 2016; 43 (1S): 64S-69S. doi:10.1177/1090198115614313.
- Redican KJ, Abbas K, Elvinger F, Hosig K, Marmagas SM, Chitsulo P, Kelly P, Burton J, Tlou J, Carter-Tod S. Making a difference in Malawi and Zambia through health education and public health best practices. Global Journal of Health Education and Promotion. 2015; 16 (2): 18-32. doi: 10.18666/GJHEP-2015-V16-12-5964.
- Farris AR, Misyak S, Duffey KJ, Mann GR, Davis GC, Hosig K, Atzaba-Poria N, Davis G, Duffey K, Hosig K, McFerren MM, Serrano EL. A comparison of fruits, vegetables, sugar-sweetened beverages, and desserts in the packed lunches of elementary children. Childhood Obesity. 2015: 11 (3): 275-285. http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1089/chi.2014.0134 . doi:10.1089.chi.2014.0134.
- Farris AR, Misyak S, Duffey KJ, Davis GC, Hosig K, Atzaba-Poria N, McFerren MM, Serrano EL. Nutritional comparison of packed and school lunches in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten children following the implementation of the 2012-2013 National School Lunch Program Standards. J Nutr Ed Behav. 2014; 46 (6): 621-626. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2014.07.007.
- Misyak, S., Ledlie Johnson, M., McFerren, M., Niewolny, K., Hosig, K., & Serrano, E. (2014). Low-income mothers’ perception of barriers to using farmers markets to access local foods. In C.I.P. Thomas (Ed.), Voices of hunger: Food insecurity in the United States (pp. 51-62). Champaign, Illinois: Common Ground Publishing LLC. ISBN-10: 1612295305
- Poddar KH*, Hosig KW, Anderson Bill ES, Nickols-Richardson SM, Duncan SE. Dairy intake and related self-regulation improved in college students via online nutrition education. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2012; 112: 1976-1986. doi:10.1016/j.jand.2012.07.026.
- Serrano E, McFerren M., Lambur M., Ellerbrock M., Hosig K., Franz N, Townsend M, Baker S, Muenning P, Davis G. Cost-effectiveness model for youth EFNEP programs: What do we measure and how do we do it? Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2011; 43: 295-302. doi:10.1016;j.jneb.2010.03.164.
- Poddar KH*, Hosig KW, Anderson ES, Nickols-Richardson SM, Duncan S. Web-based Nutrition Education Intervention Improves Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulation Related to Increased Dairy Intake in College Students. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2010; 110 (11): 1723-1777. doi:10.1016/j.jada.2010.09.008.
- Poddar KH*, Hosig KW, Nickols-Richardson SM, Anderson ES, Herbert WG. Low-Fat Dairy Intake and Body Weight and Composition Changes in College Students. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2009; 109 (8): 1433-1438. doi:10.1016/j.jada.2009.05.005.
- Rose, N, Serrano E, Hosig K, Haas C, Reaves D, Nickols-Richardson S. The 100-Mile Diet: A Community Approach to Promote Sustainable Food Systems Impacts Dietary Quality. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. 2008; 3 (2): 270-285.
- Felton TM, Nickols-Richardson SM, Serrano E, Hosig KW. African American students’ perceptions of their majors, future professions, and the dietetics major and profession: a qualitative analysis. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2008; 108 (7): 1192-1197. doi:10.1016/j.jada.2008.04.022.
- Rose NE*, Hosig KW, Serrano E, Davy BM, Davis LM. Whole grain intake is associated with body mass index in college students. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2007; 39 (2): 90-94. PMID:17346658.
- Serrano E, Kowalewska A*, Hosig K, Fuller C, Fellin L, Wigand V. Status and goals of local school wellness policies in Virginia: a response to the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2007; 39 (2): 95-100. PMID:17346658.
- Nickols-Richardson SM, Coleman MD, Volpe J, Hosig, KW. Perceived hunger is lower and weight loss is greater in overweight premenopausal women consuming a low-carbohydrate/high-protein versus high-carbohydrate/low-fat diet. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 105 (9): 1433-37, 2005. PMID:16129086.
- Whaley, G.W.*, and Hosig, K.W. Male Dietitians in 5 Southern States: Some perspectives on the profession. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 100: 1535-37, 2000. PMID:11138449.
- Hosig, K.W., Dollahite, J.D., Rodibaugh, R.R. and White, K.A.* Development and Evaluation of a Consortium to Support a School-based Community Nutrition Education Program in the Rural Arkansas Delta. Journal of Nutrition Education. 30 (5): 281-287, 1998.
- Hosig, K.W. and Rodibaugh, R.R. Parent Newsletters to Strengthen a School-based Community Nutrition Education Program in the Rural Arkansas Delta. Journal of Nutrition Education. 30 (5): 340B, 1998.
- Dollahite, J.D., Hosig, K.W., White, K.A.*, Rodibaugh, R.R. and Holmes, T.M. The impact of a school-based community intervention program on knowledge and food choices in elementary school children in the rural Arkansas Delta. Journal of Nutrition Education. 30 (5): 289-301, 1998.
- Hosig, K.B., Shinnick, F.L., Johnson, M.D., Story, J.A. and Marlett, J.A. Comparison of large bowel function and calcium balance during wheat bran and oat bran consumption. Cereal Chemistry. 73 (3):392-398, 1996.
- Marlett, J.A., Hosig, K.B., Vollendorf, N.W., Shinnick, F.L. Haack, V.S. and Story, J.A. Mechanism of serum cholesterol reduction by oat bran. Hepatology. 20: 1450-57, 1995. PMID: 7982644.
Peer-reviewed presentations with abstracts*
- Hosig K, Burke JE, Forburger A, Jones D, Kinney K, Motley M, Valenzuela IG. Collaborative health programming with faith-based organizations. Workshop at 2016 National Health Outreach Conference, Roanoke, VA. April 7. Program available at: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/2016nhoc/2016nhocfinalprogram.pdf (page 12).
- Hosig K, Bill E, Burke JE, Chase M, Edmonds K, Forburger A, Jones D, Motley M, Rafie C, Schlenker E, Valenzuela I. Collaborative community-based diabetes education for diverse audiences. Poster presented at 2016 National Health Outreach Conference, Roanoke, VA. April 7, 2016. Program available at: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/2016nhoc/2016nhocfinalprogram.pdf (poster #31, page 34.
- Valenzuela I*, Hosig K, Evia C, Serrano E, Redican K. Hispanic Balanced Living with Diabetes: A lifestyle intervention for underserved Hispanics in Southwest Virginia. Poster presentation at annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL. November 2015. Available at: https://apha.confex.com/apha/143am/webprogram/Paper328921.html
- Hosig KW, Goodwin SK, Serrano ES, Redican KJ. Development and testing of the university health index for nutrition and physical activity. Poster presentation at annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. November 2013. Available at: https://apha.confex.com/apha/141am/webprogram/Paper291106.html
- Motley M*, Hosig K, Burke JE, Bill E, Forburger A, Schlenker E. Lessons learned from a collaborative community-based diabetes education program. Round table presentation at annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. November 2013. Available at: https://apha.confex.com/apha/141am/webprogram/Paper292148.html
- Anderson-Bill, Eileen S., Hosig, Kathryn, Schlenker, Eleanor “Acceptance-Avoidance in Physical Activity (PA) Among African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM)" Poster accepted for presentation at the 33rd Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions for the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA, April 14, 2012
- Hosig KW, Schlenker E, Anderson ES, Gehrt K. Community-based type 2 diabetes education program: Dining with Diabetes in Virginia. Poster presentation at annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC. October 2011. Available at:https://apha.confex.com/apha/139am/webprogram/Paper248161.html
- Goodwin S*, Hosig KW, Serrano E, Redican K, Schroeder A, You W, Anderson ES. Association between perceived university environment and physical activity in college students. Poster presentation at annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC. October 2011. Available at: https://apha.confex.com/apha/139am/webprogram/Paper240214.html
- Poddar K*, Hosig, K, Anderson, E. Nutrition education intervention to improve low fat dairy awareness and intake in college students. Oral presentation at annual meeting of the Society for Nutrition Education, July 2007. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2007; 39 (4S): S91.
- Hosig, K.W., Kowalewska A*, Nickols-Richardson, S.M., Serrano, E. Parent opinions regarding school-based body mass index screening and nutrition/physical activity resources. Poster presented at annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. November 2006. Available at: http://apha.confex.com/apha/134am/techprogram/paper_144676.htm
- Hosig, K.W., Nickols-Richardson, S.M. Associations between dietary patterns and weight change in college freshmen. Poster presentation at annual meeting, American Dietetic Association, October 2005. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 105 (8): A31, 2005.
- Lau, C.S., Fleischman, J.N., Hosig, K.W., Nickols-Richardson, S.M. Fat-free mass soft tissue mass is higher in premenopausal women who consume greater compared to lower, than the adequate intake for dietary calcium. Poster presentation at annual meeting, American Dietetic Association, October 2005. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 105 (8): A40, 2005.
- Rose, N*, Hosig, K, Davy, B and E Serrano. Whole grain intake in college students and its association with body mass index. Poster presentation at annual meeting, Society for Nutrition Education, July 2005. Journal for Nutrition Education and Behavior. 37 (Suppl 1): S27, 2005.
- Hosig, K.W. Establishing a nutrition position shared between student affairs and academic affairs at a small state university. Poster presentation at annual meeting of the American Dietetic Association, October 1999. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 99: A85, 1999.
- White, K.A.*, Hosig, K.W., Rodibaugh, R.R., and Dollahite, J.D. Acceptance of healthier school lunches by second through fifth grade students in the rural Arkansas Delta. Oral presentation at annual meeting American Dietetic Association, October 1999. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 99: A72, 1999.
- Story, J.A., Furumoto, E.J. and Hosig, K.W. Bamboo shoots lower serum cholesterol in rats. Poster presentation, FASEB annual meeting, 1992. Faseb J. 6 (5): A1653, 1992.
- Hosig, K.W., Furumoto, E.J., Story, J.A. and Marlett, J.A. Effects of dietary fiber from oat bran or wheat bran on bile acid excretion in humans. Minisymposium presentation at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) annual meeting, Anaheim, CA, 1992 Faseb J. 6 (5): A1654, 1992.
- Wright, K.B., Furumoto, E.J. and Story J.A. Modification of bile acid excretion in rats by three sources of bran. Poster presentation at FASEB annual meeting, 1989. Faseb J. 3 (4): A1068, 1989.
*Student mentored by Dr. Hosig