Connect 2023 Photo Recap
October 13, 2023
During the weekend of October 6-7, 2023, we celebrated a series of mentorship events, reunions, and continuing education sessions. A big thank you to all mentors, alumni, faculty, staff, students, and sponsors for their contributions and efforts in ensuring the success of this memorable weekend.
Mentor Day
The Mentor Program, hosted by the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association (VVMA), the Maryland Veterinary Medical Association (MDVMA), and the West Virginia Veterinary Medical Association (WVVMA) provides mentorship opportunities between the college’s DVM students and practitioners across Virginia, Maryland, and West Virginia.

Any veterinarian can be a mentor. It does not matter where or when you graduated from veterinary school, nor do you have to be a member of a state veterinary medical association.

Therapy dogs Epcot and Derek were as popular as ever and a welcome additon.

College Celebration
After a busy Mentor morning and Alum Board meetings the college celebration was held in the College Grove. The celebration that included dinner, adult beverages, and a relaxed atmosphere complete with a live band! It offered an opportunity to continue casual conversations and unwind from a busy day of mentor activities and career discussions and kick off the party with old classmates and colleagues!

The College Celebration took place under a tent in the Grove during the Connect 2023 weekend.

Everyone was looking forward to tasting the food at the College Celebration in the Grove during the Connect 2023 weekend.

A beautiful Fall evening for the College Celebration during the Connect 2023 Weekend.

Alumni gathered for a group photo in the Grove.

Alumni Awards Presentation
Presentation of the Alumni and Faculty Awards was hosted during lunchtime on Saturday between the morning and afternoon sessions of the continuing education program.

Alumni Reunion Gathering
The final event of the Connect 2023 weekend was the VMCVM Alum Reunion Gathering - Eastern Divide Brewing

The DVM Class 2013 posed for a quick group picture.