Staff Spotlight: Maryann Cline
November 28, 2023

Maryann Cline, LVT, VTS
Oncology Technical Team Leader - Animal Cancer Care and Research Center
When did you join the veterinary college?
What is your role at the veterinary college?
ACCRC Veterinary Technician Supervisor
The best part of being at VMCVM...
It's hard to choose just one thing, but I would have to say the learning opportunities.
Best advice I've gotten...
A team is only as strong as it's weakest player. It's more of a quote, but it is something I have lived by since I was a teen.
How would you capture the essence of your work in a newspaper headline?
Finding The Cure!
My hidden talent...
Flower arranging, not so much a talent as it is therapy for me when I have time.
A person who has inspired me...
My daughter. Her intellect amazes me daily and her love and respect of everyone she meets is definitely a trait to strive for.
Can you share a memorable experience or story from your time working with animals?
I have so many memories from my time at the college. Having been an anesthesia technician for 12+ years prior to my current role, I have had the awesome opportunity to be a part of so many interesting cases including clinical trials for research. While not all of the cases have a happy ending we have had so many over the years that have. The cases I miss participating in the most are the the brain tumor treatments including craniotomies.
What do you find most inspiring or fulfilling about working with students and helping them pursue their careers?
One of the main reasons I wanted to come to VMCVM all those years ago was because of the students! I love the teaching part of the job whether that is DVM students, interns, residents or technicians. My favorite part is when you see the proverbial "light bulb" come on in the their faces. I have had students laugh, cry and dance around when they just "get it", that's truly what gives me the most joy in the job.
One misconception that all students seem to have is?
That they are capable of more than they think.
If I had a superpower, it would be...
I would be Susan Storm.
If you could magically grant an animal the ability to talk, which one would you choose and what do you think it would say?
Stuart-my beagle I adopted from the VTH.
"Where's the food and is it time for bed yet?"
A cause I'm most passionate about...
My youth ministry at our church. I had the privilege of being a part of a great youth program starting at the age of 16 and it came to me at a time I needed it the most. God put the people I needed in my life at the time I needed it, so I hope that I can be that vessel for someone else.
Favorite way to end the day...
Chilling on the couch with my husband and daughter.
Top of my bucket list...
I just experience Disney World for the first time in October and that was the top of my list. I have yet to put another there!
My favorite quote...
"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it"--Maya Angelou
If you could communicate with animals for a day, what would you ask them?
Tell me all of the physical ailments! Are you happy? What's your favorite food? What do you like to do for fun? Who's your favorite person?
How many pets/animals live at home? Can you tell us about them?
Janie—My 15-year-old lady from Pulaski Animal Shelter. We got her at 14 weeks old and she's a sweet, sassy lady who loves to catch small critters.
Stuart—My beagle that I adopted from the VTH. He was a part of a drug study and is now a lazy chunk, but we love him.
Koamalu "Koa"—My lab/aussie mix. He is sweet, springy, wild and has many moronic tendencies. He is my daughters dog so they have a love/hate relationship.
7 Fish—Angelfish (the bully Lucy or Lucifer), Pea Puffer (Lug), Pleco (Nico), Sword Tail Molly (Red Sonia), 3 Danios (Winkin, Blinkin, Nod)
Anything else to add?
I love to fish, kayak and spend as much time as I can on the river or lakes with my family.