Staff Spotlight: Amy Winemiller
September 28, 2023

Amy Winemiller ’08, M.A.Ed. ’11
Website and Digital Project Coordinator, Office of Advancement
I live in Radford with my wife Caitlyn and our three boys, Dillon (15), Isaiah (6), and Ellis (1.5). We are always remodeling something or going on a new adventure together.
When did you join the veterinary college?
I started working at the college in the Spring of 2013. I moved to Savannah, Georgia, from 2017-2019 but rejoined the college when I returned to Blacksburg.
What is your role at the veterinary college?
Website & Digital Project Coordinator - Basically, I do a little bit of everything and a lot of emails and website updates.
The best part of being at VMCVM...
Community! I enjoy working with people who are passionate about what they are doing. Whether the focus is improving animal, human, or environmental health, everyone at VMCVM is working to make the world a better place and I am lucky to get to play even a small role in that endeavor.
Best advice I've gotten...
Embrace your passions and use them to contribute positively to the world.
My hidden talent...
Knowing where everything is located… “Mom, where is my (fill in the blank)” Me- “Kitchen, third drawer from the right, under the can opener…”
A person who has inspired me...
Anyone who walks through life as their authentic self, confronts their fears, and welcomes personal growth and transformation.
One misconception that all students seem to have is?
That the Office of Advancement is only focused on fundraising. Although fundraising is one of our goals, we want to engage with our alumni, community and share the work that our talented faculty, staff, and students are doing.
If I had a superpower, it would be...
I would want the ability to pick out what is for dinner without hesitation.
If you could magically grant an animal the ability to talk, which one would you choose and what do you think it would say?
An owl. I hope it would tell me all the secrets of the night and the wisdom of the ages.
A cause I'm most passionate about...
Making life easier for others.
Favorite way to end the day...
Having a dance party with my family. It always ends in belly laughs.
Top of my bucket list...
Go to Vienna to see Taylor Swift’s Era’s Tour. (August 2024!) and to meet her cats…anyone know her veterinarian?
My favorite quote...
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”
How many pets/animals live at home? Can you tell us about them?
We have several pets. Macy (12 year old Pitbull mix), sister cats Willow and Lucy (11 years old), a beta fish, Oliver and we are starting a new community aquarium this fall.