New Faces, New Careers: Orientation Week 2023
August 21, 2023

The Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine kicked off its academic year with an engaging and exhilarating first week of orientation activities that welcomed new and returning students to campus. BSPH students, MPH students, DVM Students, Master’s students, Ph.D. students, and recently recruited faculty have all been welcomed and oriented during the past week. The week concluded with the Veterinary Career Expo, which provided a valuable platform for students to connect with potential employers and explore career pathways within the field.
New beginnings
The week began with DVM Orientation, in which new Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students were introduced to the faculty, curriculum, and resources available to help them succeed. The air was filled with a palpable sense of anticipation and camaraderie among the fresh faces of the incoming class. Through a series of team-building activities, they got to know their peers with whom they'll spend many hours in the next four years.

Graduate and undergraduate students in public health and biomedical and veterinary sciences also immersed themselves in the community, exploring and contemplating their future areas of research.
BMVS students spent the day learning about the program and ended the day with a team building exercise in the Grove. The makeup of students included, MS, MS/Resident, PhD, PhD/Resident, and dual DVM/PhD students with a total of approximately 23 students joining us this Fall.

Orientation: Not just for students!
Starting fresh along side the Class of 2027 were faculty from areas across the college. These new faces were celebrated at the Faculty Celebration hosted by Dean Dan Givens. The gathering also recognized promotions and honored the contributions of those who retired.

Looking ahead
The week concluded with the Veterinary Career Expo, which provided a valuable platform for students to connect with potential employers and explore career pathways within the field.

More photos from Orientation Week 2023 can be found in the college photo library!