Bonnie Smith honored with emerita status
June 28, 2023

Bonnie Smith, associate professor of biomedical sciences and pathobiology in the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech, has been conferred the title of associate professor emerita by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
The emerita title may be conferred on retired professors, associate professors, and administrative officers who are specially recommended to the board by Virginia Tech President Tim Sands in recognition of exemplary service to the university. Nominated individuals who are approved by the board receive a copy of the resolution and a certificate of appreciation.
A member of the Virginia Tech community since 1991, Smith’s scholarship focused on classical morphology, functional morphology, and teratology. She is the author or co-author of several peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and reviews.
Smith is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Association of Veterinary Anatomists, and the American Association of Anatomists. She has also served the broader community with numerous veterinary and anatomy speaking engagements for K-12 school children.
In the university classroom, Smith taught a variety of veterinary and graduate-level courses, and was often cited by her students as an outstanding teacher. She advised many students on master’s degree and Ph.D. dissertations and helped them develop successful careers in academic settings.
In her career, Smith received several professional honors and awards, including the Student American Veterinary Medical Association Teaching Excellence Award, the Bayer Faculty Recognition Award, and the
Carl J. Norden Distinguished Teaching Award. She was elected to the Virginia Tech Academy of Teaching Excellence.
Smith received her bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, DVM degree, and Ph.D. all from Ohio State University.